Boots and Boo by Patti Schmidt


Hello, and welcome! I am Patti, a photographer and mother of four, and this space is dedicated to the things that bring me joy… motherhood, photography and travels with my family. My husband Larry and I married young and had three babies in a row, all boys… “little” Larry, Patrick and Gavin. After some minor health issues and several losses I believed I would have no more children, and then life threw us a wonderful curveball when I became pregnant with our daughter at age 44. A few years ago my sons began occasionally calling me “mama boots” because of a pair of studded boots I wore that year. This eventually shortened to “boots.” When Avery was born I sometimes called her my “boo,” and the boys picked up on it and started calling her “boo.” Hence the name of this blog, which Patrick came up with… thank you Patrick! Another fun fact for those of you who don’t know this… Avery was my maiden name. Thank you so much for stopping by!

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